What BCAUSEICAN Is All About
BCAUSEICAN's mission is to prevent socioeconomic disparities by equipping communities in need with STEM education. We provide classes in STEM topics such as Coding Literacy and Family Technology Workshops. Our workshops focus on two critical development areas: Technology Awareness and Social & Behavioral Comportment. Ultimately, our vision is an equal playing field for youth growing up in every community.
What's Happening Now
BCAUSEICAN provides state-of-the-art classes and workshops in STEM topics. Here are a few of our new, current, and upcoming programs available at Maryland schools.

This program provides
computer coding
instruction to
elementary school
students. GROW
program participants
graduate with a
Certification in
SCRATCH Coding—one
of the leading
developmental coding
languages, currently
taught in over 200

The program provides
computer coding
instruction to middle
school students. RISE
program participants
graduate with a
Certification in
PYTHON Coding—the
leading coding
language in the
Technology industry,
used in Data Science,
Artificial Intelligence,
and Cybersecurity.

This program provides
coding instruction to
high school students.
SOAR program
participants graduate
with a Certification in
Artificial Intelligence,
Cloud Computing,
Coding—all highly
sought after in the job
market, which allows
students to secure
internships and jobs in
the industry ahead of
their counterparts.

This program for adults
offers technology
workshops classes.
These classes are
typically held in the
evening for one hour
each week. Training is
customized based on
need and covers topics
ranging from learning
how to create an email
account, to more
advanced training on
how to use
applications like
Canvas, Google
Classroom, Class Dojo,
Google Meet,
Microsoft Office, and

Due to the limited
resources, we provide
a highly engaging
hands on full-day
training to teachers
and school
administrators that
allows professionals to
STEM/Coding based
language, concepts,
and activities within
the daily lesson plans.
Get Involved with Us
We would love to have your support! Whether it be donations, volunteer work, or paid contract work, there are many ways to get involved with our mission.